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Nitro Wiki

The 2017 Summer Event was the fifth annual summer event. It was first announced on May 28, 2017, started on June 15, 2017, and ended on August 12, 2017.


"Although we don't have a start date yet, we will be having a full summer event this year! Earn achievements, 50% more cash and experience, exclusive event titles and cars! We'll put up a post when the start date has been set. Happy racing!"
― Travis


  • 5/28/2017: Travis announces that the summer event will be started soon and leaks an event car. [1]
  • 6/6/2017: Travis states that the summer event will officially start on June 14, 2017. [2]
  • 6/14/2017: Due to personal problems, Travis says that the summer event will be delayed for a bit.
  • 6/15/2017: The summer event officially starts. [3]
  • 8/12/2017: Corndog ends the event and states that they forgot to release the final summer car.


Image Name How to Get Corresponding Achievement
81 small 1
Liberty Classic $10,000 Bring on the Sunshine!
126 small 1
B.O.A.T. 300 races in a session Yachta Yachta
138 small 1
Bozz Strykist 1300 400 races Strykist 1300
139 small 1
Range Runner 800 races Range Runner
140 small 1
Bozz Strykist 1300 XT-LR Use 500 nitros Strykist 1300 XT-LR



Note: Achievements with an * beside them are hidden achievements.

Summer 2017!
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
Bring on the Sunshine! Purchase the Liberty Classic "Summer Rider" +10
Born to Be Wild Complete 25 races $10,000 +10
Nitro Burnouts Complete 50 races $50,000 +15
Easy Rider Complete 100 races "Easy Rider" +20
Track Day Rider Complete 101 races "Track Day Rider" +25
Cafe Racer Complete 250 races $250,000 +40
Strykist 1300 Complete 400 races
Strykist small
Dual Sport Complete 500 races $350,000 +50
Faster 'n You Complete 600 races "Faster 'n You" +55
Range Runner Complete 800 races
139 small 1
Race Day, Best Day 10 races in a session $10,000 +10
Nitro Type, Best Type 50 races in a session "Two Tired" +20
Ride to Live 100 races in a session $75,000 +25
Live to Ride 200 races in a session $250,000 +35
Hoonigan 250 races in a session "Hoonigan" +40
Yachta Yachta 300 races in a session
126 small 1
Summer Session Boss* 350 races in a session $2,000,000 +60
Summer Session Master* 450 races in a session $3,000,000 +70
Getting Warm Use 20 nitros $40,000 +10
Getting Toasty Use 50 nitros $100,000 +20
Heat Wave Use 200 nitros $400,000 +30
Strykist 1300 XT-LR Use 500 nitros
140 small 1
Weekend Racer Use 1,000 nitros "Weekend Racer" +100


  • This is the third event in which event cars have been leaked before the event.
  • This is the only summer event to not include any updates.
  • There was initially going to be a car released during the middle of the event. However, it was never released. There is no known information about it as it was also never found in the source code.

