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Nitro Wiki

The 2016 Summer Event was the fourth annual summer event. It was first announced on May 13, 2016, started on June 6, 2016, and ended on August 17, 2016.


I think that’s how the tune goes? Anyhow, it’s getting close to the best time of year, summer! Woohoo!! Sunny days, beautiful beaches, sun burns, and sweet sweet new Nitro Type cars, titles, and achievements! While we haven’t set an exact start date, we hope to start beginning of June as usual. We are going to need your help though! For those of you just joining for your first NT Event, you’re in for some awesomeness. We update Nitro Type to be summer themed, release exclusive cars and titles that can only be earned during the summer event, and even switch the track music to some cooool summer vibes. Oh and did I mention you get extra EXP and cash? Each individual event also has some sort of theme to the cars, titles, and achievements. That’s where you come in!
― Travis


  • 5/13/16: A news post is released announcing that the summer event would start soon. [1]
  • 6/5/16: Travis says that he is sick and apologizes for the delay. He also says that the event will start the next day.
  • 6/6/16: The event begins. [2]
  • 6/20/16: The I'm Spicy! is released. [3]
  • 7/12/16: The Y.A.C.H.T. is released. [4]
  • 8/12/16: Travis states that the event will end the following Monday.
  • 8/15/16: The ending of the event is delayed due to server issues.
  • 8/17/16: The event ends. [5]


Image Name How to Get Corresponding Achievement
81 small 1
Liberty Classic $10,000 Bring on the Sunshine!
116 small 1
Liberty Six Four Plus Three Use 2,000 nitros OR $20,000,000 Add That Up
125 small 1
Floaty Blue 400 races Yeah Buoy
126 small 1
B.O.A.T. 300 races in a session Yachta Yachta
127 small 1
I'm Spicy! 800 races I'm Spicy!
128 small 1
Y.A.C.H.T. $10,000,000 N/A



Note: Achievements with an * beside them are hidden achievements.

Summer 2016!
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
Bring on the Sunshine! Purchase the Liberty Classic "Summer Rider" +10
Pier Pressure Complete 25 races $10,000 +10
Aboat Time! Complete 50 races $50,000 +15
The Codfather Complete 100 races "The Codfather" +20
Fairy Codmother Complete 101 races "Fairy Codmother" +25
Seas the Day Complete 250 races $250,000 +40
Yeah Buoy Complete 400 races
125 small 1
Chicken Sloop Complete 500 races $350,000 +50
Seaworthy Complete 600 races "Seaworthy" +55
I'm Spicy! Complete 800 races
127 small 1
Sea-nick Route 10 races in a session $10,000 +10
Sea Captain 50 races in a session "Sea Captain" +20
Why Knot? 100 races in a session $75,000 +25
Mast Confusion 200 races in a session $250,000 +35
Fleet Admiral 250 races in a session "Fleet Admiral" +40
Yachta Yachta 300 races in a session
126 small 1
Ahoy Thar!* 350 races in a session $2,000,000 +60
Sunny Side Up* 450 races in a session $3,000,000 +70
Reel Magic Use 20 nitros $40,000 +10
D-bait-able Use 50 nitros $100,000 +20
Fear Knot Use 200 nitros $400,000 +30
Drop the Bass Use 500 nitros $1,000,000 +50
Cod Squad Use 1,000 nitros "Cod Squad" +100
Add That Up Use 2,000 nitros
116 small 1


  • This is the first summer event in which there is at least one car in the Dealership that is not the Liberty Classic.
  • This is the first event in which an achievement car was made possible by purchasing from the dealership. The car was the Liberty Six Four Plus Three.
  • Of the 6 event cars, 4 are new. The Liberty Classic was released in all prior summer events and the Liberty Six Four Plus Three was released in the 2015 Summer Event.

