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Nitro Wiki

The 2015 Halloween Event was the third annual Halloween Event. It started on October 8, 2015 and ended on November 1, 2015.


Yay for Travis!

First off, everyone please wish Travis a very happy birthday! I believe his big plans today are to "maybe get dinner or something". Nice!

In Other News

The Halloween Mini-event has begun! I think all of you already know about The Midnight Hauler car, named after (you guessed it) the legendary racer, Midnight Hauler. If you have not done so yet, go get it from the dealership for $500,000. What a steal! And make sure you do, because after Halloween this car will be removed from the Dealership. Maybe FOREVER!! OooooOOoooOooOoooo spooky.

Save Your Money!

And we are pleased to announce the release of The Midnight Hauler's upgraded model - The Candy Hauler! This little puppy will set you back $5,000,000, but it's worth every penny, and you know it. I can guarantee this car will NEVER come back in a future event. So you do what you gotta do to get this car!



And, because we love you guys, we event decided to make a few event achievements. This is just a mini-event (unlike Summer and Xmaxx events), but these are some large dollar figure achievements. Too help you guys out with the pricey car. :) And for those of you who like to race like crazy, there might be a little hidden achievement title in there for you ;)

Custom Track & Music?

Nope! I said it is a MINI-event! Maybe next year. :P It's hard to make tracks and find music!

What's Up With The Car Trails??

We decided to give you guys a little taste of the upcoming trails feature. These will only appear on your Halloween cars, and will go away after the event. Eventually we will be releasing lots of these things to allow you extra levels of elite customization on the track.

Umm.. Is There More?

YES!! All races with a Halloween car earns an extra 25% cash and experience!!

Now go race race race!



Car Picture Name How to get Corresponding Achievement
117 small 1 The Midnight Hauler $500,000 2spooky4u
118 small 1 The Candy Hauler $5,000,000 3spooky5u



Note: Achievements with a * beside them are hidden achievements.

Name How to Earn It Rewards Achievement Points
2spooky4u Purchase The Midnight Hauler "2spooky4u" +50
3spooky5u Purchase The Candy Hauler "3spooky5u" +60
Grim Reaper's Wallet Complete 500 races $1,000,000 +100
Grim Reaper's Bank Complete 800 races $2,000,000 +150
Fear Me Complete 1,000 races "Fear Me" +200
Boo!* Complete 1,500 races "Boo!" +250


  • This is the first Halloween event to have more than one achievement.
  • This is the only event that had a car released before the event actually started.
  • All the cars in this event have been re-released in the Shop.
  • Both of the event cars are not original as they are both variants of the Maxxbilt Mack Daddy.

