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Nitro Wiki

The 2014 Summer Event was the second annual summer event. It was first announced on May 29, 2014 started on May 30, 2014, and ended on August 25, 2014.


The sun is shining, the birds are tweeting, the engines are roaring, and the keys are tapping. It must be the Nitro Type Summer Event!!

First Time? Awesome!

For those many hundreds of thousands of you who have never been a part of the summer event, get ready to earn a lot of cash and some awesome new cars. It's easy to get started. Simply go to the dealership and buy the Summer Classic. Race with any summer car, and you start working towards the limited time Summer achievements, which you can see in the Achievements page.

Those achievements will get you tons of cash and lots of new cars. But you have to use a summer car! Any summer car will work, so if you achieve a new car, feel free to use that one moving forward for other summer achievements.

Summer Cars


Took Part in 2013?

Very cool!!! We love our loyal members! You will notice that you have already achieved many of the Summer Event achievements. Moving forward we will always have an overlap in seasonal achievements. You will also notice that some of the cars you might have earned last year are not available to new members. Lucky you. ;) Those cars are exclusive, and only you have them. Feel free to use them now!! They will work towards these events.

And if you are wondering where new cars are, well, Cory is putting the finishing touches on them. They are extremely cool... :) So start your typing engines and start burning up the track, because we will be releasing new achievements, titles, and cars as the summer progresses!

What Else??

Well... No event would be complete without 50% MORE CASH AND EXPERIENCE FOR EVERY RACE!!!! Just be sure you're using your summer car!!

Happy racing everyone, and be sure to check back for new achievements as they come out all summer!


  • 5/29/14: Corndog hints at this event, commenting: "Unfortunately teams are not going live tomorrow, but something else is coming out tomorrow that you will all like."
  • 5/30/14: The event starts. [1]
  • 6/20/14: The Sun Buggie and Hammer Wheels are released. [2]
  • 8/25/14: The event ends. [3]


Image Name How to Get Corresponding Achievement
81 small 1
Liberty Classic $10,000 Bring on the Sunshine!
82 small 1
Hang Ten 400 races Surf's Up!
83 small 1
Liberty '41 Woodie Deluxx 300 races in a session BBQs Every Day
109 small 1
Sun Buggie 800 races Kicking Up Sand
110 small 1
Hammer Wheels Use 2,000 nitros That a Dolphin?



Note: Achievements with an * beside them were hidden achievements.

Summer 2014!
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
Bring on the Sunshine!* Purchase the Liberty Classic "Summer Rider" +10
Tan Lines! Complete 25 races $10,000 +10
It's Hot Outside Complete 50 races $50,000 +15
Jump In the Pool Complete 100 races "California Dreamin'" +20
Lemonade 25¢ Complete 250 races $250,000 +40
Surf's Up! Complete 400 races
82 small 1
Running the AC Complete 500 races $350,000 +50
Summer Champ Complete 600 races "Summer Champ" +55
Kicking Up Sand Complete 800 races
109 small 1
Sunny Days 10 races in a session $10,000 +10
Catchin a Wave 50 races in a session "My Popsicle Melted" +20
Sand In My Toes 100 races in a session $75,000 +25
I'm Sunburned!! 200 races in a session $250,000 +35
Oppa Sunburn Style! 250 races in a session "Oppa Sunburn Style!" +40
BBQs Every Day 300 races in a session
83 small 1
Don't Stop Now!* 350 races in a session $2,000,000 +60
Are You Crazy??* 450 races in a session $3,000,000 +70
Summer of Nitros Use 20 nitros $40,000 +10
I Smell Smoke Use 50 nitros $100,000 +20
What's Burning? Use 200 nitros $400,000 +30
So Many Nitros! Use 500 nitros $1,000,000 +50
Hot Hot Hot! Use 1,000 nitros "Hot Hot Hot!" +100
That a Dolphin? Use 2,000 nitros
Hammerwheels small


