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Nitro Wiki

The 2014 Halloween Event was the second annual Halloween Event. It was almost identical to the 2013 Halloween Event.


Trick or Treat?

Halloween is a week away, and our mechanics just got a few extra pumpkin haulers in stock! For the next 10 days, you can buy the spooky ride and get a sweet title to match! So head on over to the dealership now!

For those of you who managed to snag one last halloween, make sure to hop in yours for a race or two to get this year's title!


  • 10/23/14: The Pumpkin Hauler is released in the Dealership for $1,500,000. [1]
  • 10/31/14: The Pumpkin Hauler is removed from the Dealership.


Car Picture Name How to get Corresponding Achievement
98 small 1 Pumpkin Hauler $1,500,000 OooOOoOOoOoh!


The only achievement in this event was OooOOoOOoOoh!, which was achievable by purchasing the Pumpkin Hauler.

