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Nitro Wiki

The 2013 Xmaxx Event was the second annual Xmaxx Event. It started on December 3, 2013 and ended on January 2, 2014.


Ho Ho Ho Again! Meeeeeerry Christmas! And Happy Hanukkah! Also, Seasons Greetings of course! ;D Achievements and rewards for all the boys and girls!

The Nitro Type XMaxx Holiday 2013 Event has begun! It's time to get into the spirit with our frosty holiday track with festive racing music.

To get started, you need a holiday car. This year, we are re-releasing the Rocket Sleigh. For those of you who have it already, use it! Or use the Party Sleigh (also re-released), or the Tree or Shadow Tree (neither of which will ever be re-released ever).

Are all you boys and girls looking for gifts? Have you been naughty? Nice? At Nitro Type we don't judge! We just race. And racing is what you need to do to earn ridiculous cash prizes, brand new cars, and silly new titles.

And just to keep things interesting... as we get closer to the new year we just might toss in some extras.. maybe new cars? Dunno. Maybe hidden achievements?!? Who can say?! Or will the ol' 50% bonuses appear?!?!?!?!?! Ya most likely. But maybe not!!!!

Once you buy this car, you can start earning the holiday achievements!

Have at it racers!



Image Name How to Get Corresponding Achievement
69 small 1
Rocket Sleigh $10,000 In the Spirit
72 small 1
Party Sleigh 700 races That Sleighs Me
99 small 1
Wreath Racer 150 races Keepin it Wreath
100 small 1
Santa's Buggy 100 races in a session Buggying Out
102 small 1
Winson Dark Elf Use 1,000 nitros Dark Elf
103 small 1
The Golden Gift Be a Gold member Thank You Gold Members!



Note: Achievements with a * beside them are hidden achievements.

Happy Holidays! (2013)
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
In the Spirit Purchase the Rocket Sleigh "In the Spirit" +10
Thank You Gold Members! Be a Gold member
103 small 1
Robin Laid An Egg Complete 100 races "Merry Christmas!" +20
Shalom!* Complete 101 races "Happy Hanukkah!" +25
Nguzo Saba* Complete 102 races "Heri za Kwanzaa!" +25
Serenity Now* Complete 103 races "Joyous Festivus!" +25
Keepin it Wreath Complete 150 races
99 small 1
Feliz Blah Blah Complete 250 races $220,000 +40
Oh Christmas Doge Complete 400 races "wow. such gifting" +45
I Haz Gifts Complete 500 races $350,000 +50
The Snow Man Complete 600 races "The Snow Man" +55
That Sleighs Me* Complete 700 races
72 small 1
Sessions Greetings 10 races in a session $10,000 +10
♪ Oh Nitro Tree ♪ 50 races in a session "♪ Oh Nitro Tree ♪" +20
Buggying Out 100 races in a session
100 small 1
Lotta Gift Buying ¢ 200 races in a session $250,000 +35
Million Presents 300 races in a session $1,000,000 +45
2 Million Presents 400 races in a session $2,000,000 +55
3 Million Presents 500 races in a session $3,000,000 +65
Chillaxin'* 599 races in a session "Frosty" +70
5 Million Presents 600 races in a session $5,000,000 +75
Winter of Nitros Use 20 nitros $40,000 +10
I Smell Ice Use 50 nitros $100,000 +20
You Cold Bro Use 100 nitros $200,000 +30
Ice Patch Use 200 nitros $400,000 +50
Cold As Ice Use 400 nitros "Cold As Ice" +60
Dark Elf Use 1,000 nitros
102 small 1


