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Nitro Wiki

The 2013 Halloween Event was the first annual Halloween Event. It started on October 19, 2013 and ended on November 1, 2013.


What's Up?

There are so many things going on that I figured it was time for an update. There are big things, small things, red things, blue things. All kinds of things. Some I won't tell you. Some I will! So let's get started!

Limited Time Pumpkin Hauler!

You have until November 1st to purchase this exclusive Halloween vehicle! It's not cheap at $1.5 million (less for Gold Members of course), but what better way to show off your elite Nitro Type status than with something so exclusive??


  • 10/19/13: The Pumpkin Hauler is released, purchasable in the dealership for $1,500,000. Its release was announced in a news post.
  • 11/1/13: The Pumpkin Hauler is taken out of the dealership.


Car Picture Name How to get Corresponding Achievement
98 small 1 Pumpkin Hauler $1,500,000 Spoooooky!



Name How to Earn It Rewards Achievement Points
Spoooooky! Purchase the Pumpkin Hauler "RIP" +30

