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Nitro Wiki
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This is a disbanded team.

This was once an available team, but now has been removed.

❄️Active Racers, or [IRAN] was a team that was created on December 7, 2017, by Mohammad. When the captain was banned, no one was able to join, due to the fact that there were no officers on the team. As a result the team was automatically disbanded later.


Despite it being impossible for anyone to apply to the team, or for anyone to invite someone to the team, anyone who met the following requirements had the ability to apply to the team:

  • Level 80
  • 80 WPM

In addition, the team also had requirements for accepting based on activity:

  • 50 races upon joining
  • 50 races per day
  • 7,000 season points per day


In Season 10, IRAN gained an extremely active player named *r$jZX_W and soon rose to the top 10. The team maintained the top 10 positions in seasons from Season 10 to Season 21, and then illegitimately earned first place in Season 22 because of the botters on their team. The team almost yet again illegitimately won Season 23, but on September 26, 2019, several top IRAN racers were banned, including Mohammad (the captain) and several botters on the team, such as BingoM, leaving the team impossible to join.

On January 25, mpc48j2, an alt account owned by Beiyudup, took the IRAN tag after the original team was disbanded, and on April 27, botters took over the team. They were soon kicked, but it led to a rise in popularity, in which IRAN got many new members. The team is still currently owned by Beiyudup on the alt paaigwatsing13.
