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This is a disbanded team.

This was once an available team, but now has been removed.

✨Wild Fantastics✨, or [WFS], formerly known as Type Me Fantastics ([TMFS]), was a team that was created on May 31, 2017 by Typemefantastic.


Typemefantastic was the captain of the team.

Some of the team's officers during Season 8 included Wildflower, Moises, Cray_TCO, Chief_Nick, and Bremitorix.


Neither the team nor Typemefantastic herself were not very notable until the beginning of Season 8, when she changed the team to [WFS]. Many high ranking players formerly on NTA joined, with some examples being Wildflower and Moises. At the peak of the season, the team had eight of the top 10 all time racers. The team had a clear lead to win Season 8 and ended up breaking the record for biggest point deficit between two teams at the end of a season, which became over 5 million points. This record has since been broken, however, by SSH.

WFS disbanded after Season 8 ended, since the team was created mainly to end NTA's winning streak. Ever since the disbanding, the team has been disbanded and recreated by other racers many different times.

During the time when it was the best team, membership levels noticeably dropped in [NTA] and [DOG]. After disbanding, many team members returned to the aforementioned teams.

Methods of communication[]

The team had its own Discord server.
